Saturday, 26 November 2011

The Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate - s01e13 - Jenny

The Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate - s01e13 - Jenny

The Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate - s01e13 - Jenny by thegossiplook featuring a mini skirt

Dan: Well, at least now you know.
Jenny: Know what? That I’ve wasted half the year trying to be friends with someone that’s never going to like me?
Dan: Yeah. That’s exactly it.
Rufus: Hey guys. So…
Dan: Dad. You’re not gonna be a grandfather.
Rufus: That’s cool. That’s really cool. Yes, yes, yes. Yes!
Dan: And I thought I was relieved. It’s not all good news, though. I told her I love her and she thinks I only said that because I thought she was pregnant.

Rufus: Well son, that’s probably a good thing. Gives you a minute to step back and enjoy being 17. You two were moving a bit too fast anyway. I’m late for the gallery, but we can talk more later.
Jenny: Wow. I’ve never seen you give up so easily.
Dan: Can you not start with me?
Jenny: Can you not be so easy to start with? Why are you taking his advice? He’s old and alone.
Dan: What?
Jenny: Tell Serena again. Without the pregnancy scare, in a quiet no distractions kind of way. But then again, what do I know about romance, friends or anything else?
Dan: No, no, no. Actually, Jen, that’s a very good idea.
Jenny: Oh, right. What would you do without me?
Dan: Promise me I will find out one day.

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