Monday, 8 October 2012

The Serena Also Rises - s02e05 - Blair

The Serena Also Rises - s02e05 - Blair

The Serena Also Rises - s02e05 - Blair by thegossiplook featuring guerlain perfume

GossipGirl: When the white tents blossom in Bryant Park, it can only mean one thing - fashion week - the time of year when any park ave princess would trade her last  Prada pochette for front row seats to the best shows. And we hear the seating chart to Eleanor Waldorf's show is being made by our very own B.
Blair: This art director just ran off with the husband of this photo editor. So I sat all of "Vanity Fair" between them. I figured we'd want to avoid a catfight in front of the catwalk.
Eleanor: I told Laurel my daughter could make a better seating chart than that drug-addled publicist. It's a blessing she was hauled off to rehab for stealing her son's ritalin.
Blair: I'm more than happy to step in.
Eleanor: And you and Serena will be with me backstage, of course?
Blair: Of course. It's our tradition. Now I hope you don't mind, but I sat the girls from school in the second row.
Eleanor: Well, since they are your friends, why not? Besides, they'll worship you for it.
Blair: I know.

Chuck: Ah, the besieged queen.
Blair: What do you want, Chuck?
Chuck: To help. Your throne's in danger, and you can't wage war on Serena without an ally. You need me.
Blair: There is no war. Now that Marcus has been booted back to Brighton, I'm free to focus on my old life. Serena's just been keeping my seat warm.
Chuck: And how do you plan on making the girls fall at your feet? You going to trip them?
Blair: A true monarch bestows favors. It's fashion week and I'm the only Constance girl with clout. Ladies... I trust tomorrow night you won't embarrass me.
Nelly: Oh, my god. Second row seats to your mother's show?
Penelope: Oh, my god. Those are total movie star seats. Oh.
Hazel: Serena is in "women's wear daily"...
Isabel: With Poppy Lifton.
Hazel: Serena could, like, die now knowing that she's lived a fulfilled life.
Serena: Hey, guys.
Isabel: You look gorgeous in the photo. Oh, my gosh.
Hazel: Is Poppy nice? She looks so nice.
Serena: What? Oh, gosh. I haven't even seen that. Blair, where are you going?
Blair: I'll just leave you to your fans.
Chuck: Watching you fail spectacularly gives me so much joy.
Blair: And you know what you give to everyone, Chuck? Misery. There's a reason you're always out here alone.
Chuck: Nate just happens to be away at his grandparents'.
Blair: Nate's only friends with you out of habit. The only person with fewer friends than you is Dan Humphrey, and at least his lame '90s dad likes him. And that's because he's something you'll never be-- a human being.
Blair: Don't ever go to high school, Dorota. The girls are spoiled, stupid and ungrateful. One snapshot with a socialite and it's all, "Serena! Serena! Serena!"
Dorota: Have some tea. Will calm your nerves.
Blair: Don't they know that without me, they'd never see the inside of a fashion tent?! They'd be stuck behind the barricades with P.E.T.A.! In fact, I will leave them outside with P.E.T.A. Maybe that'll teach them some manners. Something's different. Who put Serena and that Poppy person in the front row? And all these socialites? Someone changed this chart, the chart my mother asked me to do! Who changed it?!
Dorota: Eleanor said miss... Jenny change.
Blair: Jenny Humphrey? I guess she didn't learn her lesson last year. Looks like someone needs a refresher course.
GossipGirl: What would fashion week be without a fashion victim? Looks like little J just started her own trend-- wearing a bull's-eye on her back.
Blair: Mom.
Eleanor: Good. You saw the changes we made to the chart. Aren't they marvelous?
Blair: That's not quite the word I was going to use.
Eleanor: Jenny had the inspired idea putting Serena and Poppy Lifton and their friends in the front row.
Blair: But I already told you Poppy and her crowd never miss Marc Jacobs' show. And Serena would never watch the show from anywhere but backstage with me. It's our ritual. None of them will agree to this.
Eleanor: I spoke to Lily. They already have.
Blair: Even Serena?
Eleanor: Absolutely. Marc is going to eat his grunge corduroys.
Blair: All this thanks to little Jenny Humphrey.
Eleanor: Ah, the girl is quite a talent. She shouldered most of the workload at the atelier this week.
Blair: How did she manage that after school?
Eleanor: Jenny doesn't go to school. She's got a-a...
Blair: Independent study?
Eleanor: Independent study thing this semester.
Blair: A 10th grader with an independent study? I just realized I forgot a book at  school.
Eleanor: Have fun, honey.
Blair: You never learn, do you?
Jenny: Excuse me?
Blair: Great job ruining my seating chart.
Jenny: Your seating chart? Blair, I didn't know.
Blair: Well, now you do.

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